MorphCast Emotion AI HTML5 SDK is a native JavaScript engine, based on Deep Neural Networks.
It works directly in the web-browser of mobile and desktop and in a webview inside mobile App.
It fires events at an average rate of 10 times per second on mobile, and even up to 30 per second on desktop.
Data output is ready-to-use, already filtered for your convenience (parameters can also be changed in order to have a smoother or RAW output for more deep use in your code).
You can store all data produced in local memory, in local storage or properly send it to your server.
This SDK was developed with you in mind, to have a really quick integration into your application.
The SDK can be easily integrated even in the most famous JavaScript frameworks, such as VueJS, AngularJS, ReactJS.
Below some available demo projects for each framework, with the SDK already integrated:
Example of code snippet
In general, the integration of the MorphCast Emotion AI HTML5 SDK library involves inserting two script tags into the body of an HTML page.
This is an example of a code snippet generated by the Quick Start Configurator above.
<script src="https://ai-sdk.morphcast.com/v1.16/ai-sdk.js"></script>
.then(({ start, stop }) => start());
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_DETECTOR.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Face detector result', evt.detail);
The first script tag references the MorphCast Emotion AI HTML5 SDK library hosted on the MorphCast server.
The second script tag contains code for setting the license key, adding the face detection module, and then starting the face detection process.
The code also registers an event listener for the face detection event, which will log the result to the console.
The same concept applies for all the other face analysis modules (emotions, arousal/valence, affects, etc.).
You shall serve the web page file using a web server, remote or local (e.g. http://localhost). Since camera access requires https, when using a private network ip (e.g. https://192.168.x.x) or a public domain, you shall enable SSL in your web server configuration. You will see the results of the analysis in the console log of your web browser.
Below a list of output events emitted by the SDK.
This event produces a single synchronized event for each frame acquired, collecting results from all modules. It contains output data of only added modules.
To register to this event, use:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().EVENT_BARRIER.eventName, (event) => {
console.log('Events barrier result', event.detail);
EVENT_BARRIER event.detail:
camera: {frameTimestamp: Number},
face_arousal_valence: {arousal, valence, affects38, affects98, quadrant},
face_attention: {attention},
face_detector: {totalFaces, rects, faces, status, fullFrameDetection},
face_emotion: {dominantEmotion, emotion},
face_features: {features},
face_gender: {gender, mostConfident},
face_pose: {pose},
face_wish: {wish},
See the Modules section below, for additional details about output data of modules, how to add modules to the SDK and how to register only to some module-specific events.
This event is emitted each time a frame is correctly acquired from the source.
To register to this event, use:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().CAMERA.eventName, (event) => {
// ...
CAMERA event.detail:
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().CAMERA.eventName, (event) => {
console.log('New frame in input');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const imageData = event.detail;
ctx.canvas.width = imageData.width;
ctx.canvas.height = imageData.height;
ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
Below, a list of available modules. You can combine them as you like, e.g. to load FACE_DETECTOR and FACE_AGE:
loader = CY.loader() .addModule(CY.modules().FACE_DETECTOR.name, {}) .addModule(CY.modules().FACE_AGE.name, {})
FACE_DETECTOR initialization:
const config = {maxInputFrameSize: 320, smoothness: 0.83};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_DETECTOR.name, config)
FACE_DETECTOR registration:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_DETECTOR.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Face detector result', evt.detail);
FACE_DETECTOR event.detail:
faces: Array(n),
rects: Array(n),
fullFrameDetection: Boolean,
totalFaces: Number,
totalFacesChangedFrom: Number | undefined
rects: An array of objects describing the bounding boxes (zero or one; or multiple rects, if fullFrameDetection is true)
Note: if you ever notice some false positives in the events, i.e. the face is detected as present even if there is no one, you can further filter the results by the confidence property of the elements contained in the rects array (e.g. rects[0].confidence > 10)
For detecting face presence, you can use the following snippet:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_DETECTOR.eventName, (evt) => {
if(evt.detail.totalFacesChangedFrom !== undefined) {
console.log('Number of faces changed. Was: ' + evt.detail.totalFacesChangedFrom + ' . Now is: ' + evt.detail.totalFaces);
FACE_POSE initialization:
const config = {smoothness: 0.65};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_POSE.name, config)
FACE_POSE registration:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_POSE.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Face pose result', evt.detail);
FACE_POSE event.detail:
output: {pose: {pitch: Number, roll: Number, yaw: Number}}
output: An object containing the output of the pose prediction
FACE_AGE initialization:
const config = {rawOutput: false};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_AGE.name, config)
FACE_AGE registration:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_AGE.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Age result', evt.detail);
FACE_AGE event.detail:
const FACE_AGE_EVENT = {
output: {age: {_-18: Number, 18-35: Number, 35-51: Number, 51-_: Number}, numericAge : Number}
output: An object containing the output of the age prediction
age: An object containing the probabilities of the filtered (smoothened) age prediction:
Note: in case of poor quality of the prediction, by default, the event is not fired (i.e. skipped for that frame).
FACE_EMOTION initialization:
const config = {smoothness: 0.40};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_EMOTION.name, config)
FACE_EMOTION registration:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_EMOTION.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Emotion result', evt.detail);
FACE_EMOTION event.detail:
output: {
dominantEmotion: String,
emotion: {Angry: Number, Disgust: Number, Fear: Number, Happy: Number, Neutral: Number, Sad: Number, Surprise: Number}
output: An object containing the output of the emotion prediction
emotion: An object containing the filtered (smoothened) values of the probability distribution of emotions. The sum of all the probabilities is always 1, each probability in the distribution has a value between 0 and 1.:
FACE_GENDER initialization:
const config = {smoothness: 0.95, threshold: 0.70};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_GENDER.name, config)
FACE_GENDER registration:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_GENDER.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Gender result', evt.detail);
FACE_GENDER event.detail:
output: {
gender: { Female: Number | undefined, Male: Number | undefined },
mostConfident: String | undefined
output: An object containing the output of the gender prediction
mostConfident: Gender name ("Male" or "Female") of the most likely result if its probability is above the threshold, otherwise it is undefined.
gender: An object containing the probability distribution of the gender prediction. The sum of the two values is always 1, each value in the distribution has a value between 0 and 1.:
FACE_FEATURES initialization:
const config = {smoothness: 0.90, showAll: false};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_FEATURES.name, config)
FACE_FEATURES registration:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_FEATURES.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Face features result', evt.detail);
FACE_FEATURES event.detail:
output: {features: {"Arched Eyebrows": Number, "Attractive": Number, ...}}
output: An object containing the output of the face features prediction
features: An object containing the filtered (smoothened) probabilities of each face independent feature in the range [0.0, 1.0]:
Arched Eyebrows | Attractive | Bags Under Eyes (*) | Bald |
Bangs (*) | Beard 5 O'Clock Shadow | Big Lips (*) | Big Nose (*) |
Black Hair | Blond Hair | Brown Hair | Chubby (*) |
Double Chin (*) | Earrings | Eyebrows Bushy | Eyeglasses |
Goatee | Gray Hair | Hat | Heavy Makeup (*) |
High Cheekbones | Lipstick | Mouth Slightly Open (*) | Mustache |
Narrow Eyes | Necklace | Necktie | No Beard (*) |
Oval Face | Pale Skin | Pointy Nose (*) | Receding Hairline (*) |
Rosy Cheeks | Sideburns | Straight Hair | Wavy Hair |
Features marked with an asterisk (*) will be removed when the showAll
configuration parameter is set to false
FACE_AROUSAL_VALENCE initialization:
const config = {smoothness: 0.70};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_AROUSAL_VALENCE.name, config)
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_AROUSAL_VALENCE.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Face arousal valence result', evt.detail);
output: {
arousal: Number,
valence: Number,
affects38 : { "Afraid": Number, "Amused": Number, .. },
affects98 : { "Adventurous": Number, "Afraid": Number, .. },
quadrant : String
output: An object containing the output of the face arousal/valence prediction
arousal: value in the range [-1.0, 1.0]. It represents the smoothened degree of engagement (positive arousal), or disengagement (negative arousal).
valence: value in the range [-1.0, 1.0]. It represents the smoothened degree of pleasantness (positive valence), or unpleasantness (negative valence).
affects38: An object containing the smoothened probabilities of the 38 affects in the range [0.00, 1.00]:
Afraid | Amused | Angry | Annoyed | Uncomfortable |
Anxious | Apathetic | Astonished | Bored | Worried |
Calm | Conceited | Contemplative | Content | |
Convinced | Delighted | Depressed | Determined | |
Disappointed | Discontented | Distressed | Embarrassed | |
Enraged | Excited | Feel Well | Frustrated | |
Happy | Hopeful | Impressed | Melancholic | |
Peaceful | Pensive | Pleased | Relaxed | |
Sad | Satisfied | Sleepy | Tired |
affects98: An object containing the smoothened probabilities of the 98 affects in the range [0.00, 1.00]:
Adventurous | Afraid | Alarmed | Ambitious | Amorous | Amused | Wavering |
Angry | Annoyed | Anxious | Apathetic | Aroused | Ashamed | Worried |
Astonished | At Ease | Attentive | Bellicose | Bitter | Bored | |
Calm | Compassionate | Conceited | Confident | Conscientious | Contemplative | |
Contemptuous | Content | Convinced | Courageous | Defient | Dejected | |
Delighted | Depressed | Desperate | Despondent | Determined | Disappointed | |
Discontented | Disgusted | Dissatisfied | Distressed | Distrustful | Doubtful | |
Droopy | Embarrassed | Enraged | Enthusiastic | Envious | Excited | |
Expectant | Feel Guilt | Feel Well | Feeling Superior | Friendly | Frustrated | |
Glad | Gloomy | Happy | Hateful | Hesitant | Hopeful | |
Hostile | Impatient | Impressed | Indignant | Insulted | Interested | |
Jealous | Joyous | Languid | Light Hearted | Loathing | Longing | |
Lusting | Melancholic | Miserable | Passionate | Peaceful | Pensive | |
Pleased | Polite | Relaxed | Reverent | Sad | Satisfied | |
Selfconfident | Serene | Serious | Sleepy | Solemn | Startled | |
Suspicious | Taken Aback | Tense | Tired | Triumphant | Uncomfortable |
FACE_ATTENTION initialization:
const config = {smoothness: 0.83};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_ATTENTION.name, config)
FACE_ATTENTION registration:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_ATTENTION.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Face attention result', evt.detail);
FACE_ATTENTION event.detail:
output: {attention: Number}
output: An object containing the output of the face attention prediction
Note: If no face is detected, the attention output will continue to be emitted for each provided frame, and will gradually decrease to zero. The rate of this decay is determined by the 'smoothness' or 'fallSmoothness' parameter set: a value of 0 (zero) results in an immediate drop to zero, while higher values allow for a more gradual decrease.
FACE_WISH initialization:
const config = {smoothness: 0.8};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_WISH.name, config)
FACE_WISH registration:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_WISH.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Face wish result', evt.detail);
FACE_WISH event.detail:
output: {wish: Number}
output: An object containing the output of the face wish prediction
FACE_POSITIVITY initialization:
const config = {smoothness: 0.40, gain: 2, angle: 17};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_POSITIVITY.name, config)
FACE_POSITIVITY registration:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_POSITIVITY.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Face positivity result', evt.detail);
FACE_POSITIVITY event.detail:
output: {positivity: Number}
output: An object containing the output of the face positivity prediction
Note: after the first face prediction, this module will continue to emit events even though there are no frames or faces to analyze.
ALARM_NO_FACE initialization:
const config = {timeWindowMs: 10000, initialToleranceMs: 7000, threshold: 0.75};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().ALARM_NO_FACE.name, config)
ALARM_NO_FACE registration:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().ALARM_NO_FACE.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Alarm no face result', evt.detail);
ALARM_NO_FACE event.detail:
output: {noFace: Boolean}
ALARM_MORE_FACES initialization:
const config = {timeWindowMs: 3000, initialToleranceMs: 7000, threshold: 0.33};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().ALARM_MORE_FACES.name, config)
ALARM_MORE_FACES registration:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().ALARM_MORE_FACES.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Alarm more faces result', evt.detail);
ALARM_MORE_FACES event.detail:
output: {moreFaces: Boolean}
ALARM_LOW_ATTENTION initialization:
const config = {timeWindowMs: 5000, initialToleranceMs: 7000, threshold: 0.33};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().ALARM_LOW_ATTENTION.name, config)
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().ALARM_LOW_ATTENTION.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Alarm low attention result', evt.detail);
output: {lowAttention: Boolean}
This module collects data from the EVENT_BARRIER output, and cyclically aggregates data over time, according to the time period set.
Some types of aggregations are: MIN, MAX, AVG, LAST.
DATA_AGGREGATOR initialization:
const config = {initialWaitMs: 2000, periodMs: 1000};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().DATA_AGGREGATOR.name, config)
DATA_AGGREGATOR registration:
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().DATA_AGGREGATOR.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Data aggregator result', evt.detail);
DATA_AGGREGATOR event.detail:
timestamp: {
from: Number,
to: Number,
samples: Number
arousal: {
min: Number,
max: Number,
avg: Number,
last: Number,
samples: Number
affects98_Adventurous: { .. },
affects98_Afraid: { .. },
Output events of this module are not synced to the event barrier and do not appear in the event barrier.
Aggregation is performed:
Keys coming from the EVENT_BARRIER output have been remapped in order to be flat, in the following way:
Camera stream
Single picture
Alert plugin (MPH Tools)
SDK in App
SDK in frameworks
Output values
Video conferences
Yes, it is necessary to have a license key to use MorphCast Emotion AI HTML5 SDK.
You can easily autonomously generate it by filling this form and you will receive it by email in 2 minutes.
No, you can load only one instance of the SDK. Multiple instances in parallel are currently not supported and could lead to an unpredictable behaviour.
Currently, there are only few configuration parameters can be changed after the SDK load.
In particular, to change smoothness
and threshold
configuration in all modules where these parameters are present, it is sufficient to call the methods shown in the example below and pass the new values, after the loading of the SDK.
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_GENDER.name, {smoothness: 0.95, threshold: 0.70})
.load().then(({ start, stop, getModule }) => {
// ...
// ...
Instead of downloading the SDK automatically using the HTML <script> Tag, you can postpone it by using the document.createElement("script")
JavaScript method.
See an example of implementation here.
You can always stop the analysis and resume it later, by respectively invoking the stop
and start
The getting-started snippet provides you the stop function as a parameter in the Promise returned by the load function. For example, you can stop the SDK 10 seconds after loading:
.then(({ start, stop }) => {
setTimeout(stop, 10000);
Or, you can assign the stop function to a global variable called stopMorphcast()
and invoke it whenever and wherever you want :
var initMorphcast = new Promise ((res) => {
var startMorphcast = () => initMorphcast.then(({start}) => start());
var stopMorphcast = () => initMorphcast.then(({stop}) => stop());
Note: if the processing of the current frame has already started, the SDK will process it and return the last result before actually being stopped.
The following utility snippet explains how to create a custom source.
You don’t need to open a camera stream, the SDK does it. In case you need to use a custom stream, follow the instructions. Remember that start-stop is already managed by the SDK.
const myCamera; // Your actual camera object;
const customSource = {
// The getFrame methods must return a promise resolved with the ImageData of the currentFrame.
// maxSize = Max size in px of the larger side of the frame. You should scale the image yourself before resolving it (optional).
getFrame(maxSize) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// resume the camera stream (can be an empty function)
start() {
// stop the camera stream (can be an empty function)
stop() {
// return the status of the camera Stream.
get stopped() {
.load().then(({ start }) => {
To create a custom stream using the Camera stream, you can use this ready-to-use function.
Here, there are a couple of ready-to-use functions you can use to create a custom source object using a video as an input.
By specifiying an intermediary HTMLVideoElement object, frames are grabbed from there and you have the full playback control:
const customSource = CY.createSource.fromVideoElement(document.getElementById("videoId"));
// etc...
Otherwise, by providing a video URL, frames are grabbed from a video element automatically created and internally managed by the SDK:
const customSource = CY.createSource.fromVideoUrl("https://localhost/test.mp4");
// etc...
As exposed in the following snippet, you need to pass each picture as an ImageData object, by calling:
Note: for a synchronous analysis, you have to wait for the event result from the SDK before passing the next picture.
You can see a complete implementation using URLs to images, here.
let crtImgData;
let resolver;
const customSource = {
frame producer
analyzeFrame(imageData) {
if (resolver) {
resolver = null;
} else {
crtImgData = imageData;
frame consumer
getFrame(...args) {
if (crtImgData) {
const p = Promise.resolve(crtImgData);
crtImgData = null;
return p;
} else {
return new Promise(res => resolver = res);
start() { },
stop() { },
get stopped() { }
.maxInputFrameSize(640) // allows higher resolutions of the frames in input
.powerSave(0) // disable dynamic adjustment of the analysis rate
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_DETECTOR.name, {maxInputFrameSize: 640, smoothness: 0}) // disables filtering over time to enable one-shot analysis
// and improves resolution of face detector
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_EMOTION.name, {smoothness: 0})
.load().then(({start, stop}) => {
}).catch((err) => {
/* This event is called after each face emotion analysis */
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_EMOTION.eventName, (evt) => {
// Remember to set smoothness to zero, in order to get the raw output for one-shot photo analysis.
console.log(CY.modules().FACE_EMOTION.eventName, evt.detail.output.emotion);
customSource.analyzeFrame(/* here, your next ImageData you want to process */);
customSource.analyzeFrame(/* here, the FIRST ImageData you want to process */);
No browser natively supports RTSP streaming, that is, you cannot simply put a video tag on an HTML5 page and play the RTSP streaming.
Instead, the usual approach is to use a proxy or a streaming server to convert the RTSP stream into something readable by the browser, eg. HLS or DASH.
The following utility snippet explains how to create a custom source to rotate camera.
You can see an example here.
function initRotation({ width, height }) {
const rotationCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
let rotationCtx = rotationCanvas.getContext('2d');
rotationCanvas.width = height;
rotationCanvas.height = width;
rotationCtx.rotate(Math.PI / 2);
rotationCtx.translate(0, -height);
return rotationCtx;
const tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d');
function toCanvas(imageData) {
tmpCanvas.width = imageData.width;
tmpCanvas.height = imageData.height;
tmpCtx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
return tmpCanvas;
let rotationCtx;
let firstTime = true;
const camera = CY.createSource.fromCamera();
const customSource = {
getFrame(...args) {
const frameP = camera.getFrame(...args);
return frameP.then((imageData) => {
if (firstTime) {
rotationCtx = initRotation(imageData);
firstTime = false;
rotationCtx.drawImage(toCanvas(imageData), 0, 0);
return rotationCtx.getImageData(0, 0, imageData.height, imageData.width);
start() {
return camera.start();
stop() {
return camera.stop();
get stopped() {
return camera.stopped;
.load().then(({ start }) => {
The following utility snippet explains how to create a custom source to crop frames, e.g. to focus the detector on a specific area.
You can see an example here.
// Define here your crop region ! Crop = { x:0, y:0, w:100, h:100 }; // Define here your crop region ! const cropCanv = document.createElement('canvas'); const cropCanvCtx = newCan.getContext('2d'); const tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); function crop(ctx, x, y, w, h) { const imageData = ctx.getImageData(x, y, w, h); cropCanv.width = w - x; cropCanv.height = h - y; cropCanvCtx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); return cropCanvCtx.getImageData(0,0,cropCanv.width,cropCanv.height); } function toCanvasCtx(imageData) { tmpCanvas.width = imageData.width; tmpCanvas.height = imageData.height; tmpCtx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); return tmpCtx; } const camera = CY.createSource.fromCamera(); const customSource = { getFrame(...args) { const frameP = camera.getFrame(...args); return frameP.then((imageData) => crop(toCanvasCtx(imageData), Crop.x, Crop.y, Crop.w, Crop.h)); }, start() { return camera.start(); }, stop() { return camera.stop(); }, get stopped() { return camera.stopped; } }; CY.loader() .licenseKey("insert-here-your-license-key") .source(customSource) .load().then(({ start }) => { start(); });
You can use an event listener and attach the CAMERA event to a canvas:
const ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().CAMERA.eventName, (evt) => {
const imageData = evt.detail;
ctx.canvas.width = imageData.width;
ctx.canvas.height = imageData.height;
ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
Note: camera stream has been sampled and frames resized
You can attach directly to the camera stream, before frames are sampled and resized by the library:
const video = document.createElement('video');
video.setAttribute('muted', '');
video.setAttribute('playsinline', '');
// fix for ios 11
video.style.position = 'absolute';
video.style.width = '0';
video.style.height = '0';
const constraints = {audio:false,video: { width: 1920, height: 1080 };
loader = CY.loader()
.source(CY.createSource.fromCamera({constraints, video}))
Note: the SDK will internally down-scale the input, eg. to 320px.
If you want also the SDK to process a greater input, you have to set the maxInputFrameSize parameter to a greater value in two places, that is both in the configuration of the SDK and in the configuration of the FACE_DETECTOR module:
loader = CY.loader().
.source(CY.createSource.fromCamera({constraints, video}))
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_DETECTOR.name, {maxInputFrameSize: 1920})
Instead, if you want to manually sample camera frames at the same frequency of the library, you have to use a custom camera source and grab two frames at distinct resolutions (respectively, one for the library and one in HD for displaying):
const camera = CY.createSource.fromCamera();
const customSource = {
getFrame(...args) {
camera.getFrame(/* full HD constraints */).then((imageData)=>{
// put imageData into a full HD canvas
}); // frame full HD
return camera.getFrame(...args); // frame for the library
start() {
return camera.start();
stop() {
return camera.stop();
get stopped() {
return camera.stopped;
.load().then(({ start }) => {
}).catch((err) => {
If you need to analyze the videos from Google Drive, you have to use a proxy or download the files locally.
Usually, it is sufficient to add a crossOrigin="anonymous" attribute in the video element of your page, before the video is loaded:
<video crossorigin="anonymous" id="videoId" width="320" height="240" controls>
<source src="{source}" type="video/mp4" />
However crossOrigin='anonymous' is only half the solution in order to pass cross-domain security requirements.
The other half of the solution is for the server to be configured to send the proper cross-origin permissions in its response headers. Without the server being configured to allow cross-origin access, the canvas would result tainted and an error would be thrown.
To enable CORS on the video source URLs as well, the video URL needs to return the following response header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * (or the domain to whitelist) But, since Google Drive response header is not under your control, you have to serve the video file using a cors-proxy or any other server having CORS allowed.
To set up a simple file server in localhost with CORS allowed, you can use the following npm tool:
http-server ./video_folder -c-1 --cors='*'
Actually, it is not necessary to ask the user for consent, because the frames are processed locally on the browser and no personal data is sent to any server. But we highly recommend to explain to the user why the camera request is triggered and how the MorphCast SDK technology protects privacy.
You can use the alert plugin described below to automatically do this for you.
Alert plugin (Mphtools) allows you to automatically check for browser compatibility and show a privacy Alert when the user is prompted for camera access. You can choose which settings to enable, by adding them in the mphtools-feature meta tag:
<meta name="mphtools-feature" content="allowCompatibilityClose, compatibilityUI, cameraPrivacyPopup, compatibilityAutoCheck">
This is the list of settings:
Yes. If you are using the Alert plugin (mphtools), you can disable the automatic check for browser compatibility and the automatic visualization of the full-screen message. You need just to remove the compatibilityUI setting in the mphtools-feature meta tag:
<meta name="mphtools-feature" content=""> // instead of content="compatibilityUI"
Then, you can check by yourself the browser compatibility:
The returned status can be:
Yes. Instead of the default privacy Alert, you can write your custom privacy message and use the integration instructions below.
Using the alert plugin (mphtools), add the cameraPrivacyPopup setting in the mphtools-feature meta tag. Then, provide an implementation to the callback methods in the customPrivacyAlert object to show or hide your custom alert, and apply the mphtools config before loading the SDK:
<meta name="mphtools-feature" content="compatibilityUI, cameraPrivacyPopup, compatibilityAutoCheck">
<script src="https://sdk.morphcast.com/mphtools/v1.0/mphtools.js"></script>
<script src="https://ai-sdk.morphcast.com/v1.16/ai-sdk.js"></script>
const customPrivacyAlert = {
show() {
// write here the code for showing your custom Alert, when asking the camera to the user
hide() {
// for hiding your custom Alert
// for showing an alternative message after camera has been denied by the user
.then(({ start, stop }) => start());
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_DETECTOR.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Face detector result', evt.detail);
The following steps are shown in these templates. A working App example can be found here
In this way you will have a working bidirectional communication channel between the Javascript in the webview and the Android application.
The following steps are shown in these templates. A working App example can be found here
In this way you will have a working bidirectional communication channel between the Javascript in the webview and the iOS application.
Yes, you can use the same instructions above.
We only suggest to update the html page where your App's webview target to, as follows.
As you are planning to analyze images not belonging to a video or camera stream, you need to disable all smoothing filters over time in all the modules. For example, to load the module FACE_DETECTOR use the following config:
const config = {smoothness: 0};
loader = CY.loader()
.addModule(CY.modules().FACE_DETECTOR.name, config)
You can see an example here:
If your App is written in a native language (such as C, C++, Go, Java, or Python), you can use the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF), or CefSharp in case of C# or VB.NET App.
If you are using Electron to build a cross-platform Desktop App, you can integrate the SDK following the example in our GitHub repository, here.
In TypeScript, remember to use "globalThis.CY" instead of using "CY".
The simplest integration is to add the script tag for downloading the MorphCast SDK in the index.html page of your Angular project.
<title>Angular QuickStart</title>
<script src="https://ai-sdk.morphcast.com/v1.16/ai-sdk.js"></script>
Then, in your entry point file (e.g. "main.ts"), add the getting-started snippet below in order to load the MorphCast SDK.
.then(({ start, stop }) => start());
window.addEventListener(globalThis.CY.modules().FACE_DETECTOR.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Face detector result', evt.detail);
There are some ready-to-use graphical demo examples in our GitHub repository, here.
For example, you can plot detected emotions on a 2D space using the emotional spectrum model:
You can follow the official documentation. Here the main steps:
To join a meeting from web
After you complete all these steps, you should be able to join any meeting created previously.
To create a meeting
In order for zoom login to work you also need to create an OAuth App in Zoom Marketplace. After you get the authentication TOKEN, you will be able to use this method to create a meeting.
Block diagram of an example for e-Learning
We encourage to analyze each face of each participant by his/her camera stream, sending the detected data to the other participants or to one or more specific participants using your conference communication channel. This solution is more scalable, you will have more accuracy in analysis independently of the network bandwidth and even if the participant disables the video communication.
Here, an example about how to integrate the SDK with Twilio service, for creating a video-call platform with emotion recognition, according to the circumplex model of affect.
Possible issues/error messages
"You cannot load this SDK from an HTML page in your local file system. Please, serve this web page using a cloud or local web server."
For security reasons, it is generally not recommended to open an HTML page in the local file system directly via browser. In fact, browsers become more and more stringent in making web applications work in that way, and some features are not available (e.g. root relative links, ajax and cors, cookies and local storage, service workers, etc.). So we cannot grant that MorphCast SDK will work correctly now or in the future, when loaded by a page with a "file://" URI scheme.
To work around these limitations we suggest two alternative ways:
"Incorrect source path. SDK script is downloaded from a third-party server or proxy. Unpredictable behaviour can occur."
The SDK must always be downloaded from the url indicated in the getting started snippet.
It is not allowed to autonomously distribute the SDK from servers not authorized by us even through a proxy server. Refer to the "Use of the Service" section of our Terms of Use.
"SecurityError: Failed to execute 'getImageData' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The canvas has been tainted by cross-origin data."
See this related answer.
Minimum Requirements:
Updated Browser and OS:
In FACE_AROUSAL_VALENCE module, the output has some breaking changes. Attributes calibrated , arousalvalence and rawArousalvalence of event.detail have been removed as deprecated. You can re-map them in the following way:
v1.14 | v1.15 | |
output.calibrated.arousal | -> | output.arousal |
output.calibrated.valence | -> | output.valence |
output.arousalvalence.arousal | -> | output.arousal |
output.arousalvalence.valence | -> | output.valence |
output.rawArousalvalence.arousal | -> | output.arousal (with smoothness parameter at 0) |
output.rawArousalvalence.valence | -> | output.valence (with smoothness parameter at 0) |
In FACE_GENDER module, in case of poor confidence output.gender now returns a probability distribution with undefined values,
i.e. gender: {Male: undefined, Female:undefined}
, as output.mostConfident already did.
In all modules, output with prefix "raw" have been removed as deprecated. You can set smoothness to 0 and use the primary output.
MorphCast SDK defines this global object: CY
This object contains all the methods and classes listed below.
Creates the SDK instance
Note: creating multiple instances of the SDK is not supported.
object for managing the configuration and loading of the SDK instance
.then(({ start, stop, terminate }) => start());
Returns all the AI-SDK module objects, each one with the following structure: { name: 'moduleName', event: 'eventName', specificEventA:'aSpecificEventOfTheModule'}
// ...
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().MODULE.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log('Result', evt.detail);
Factory tool to create a custom source object for MorphCast SDK.
const cameraSource = CY.createSource.fromCamera({constraints, video});
const customSource = CY.createSource.fromVideoElement(document.getElementById("videoId"));
const customSource = CY.createSource.fromVideoUrl("https://localhost/test.mp4");
Camera factory method to get a source, able to grab images from device camera. Internally, it uses getUserMedia.
= {}
custom configurations
Name | Description |
config.constraints Object
(default {audio:false,video:true} )
getUserMedia constraints |
config.video HTMLVideoElement
(default document.createElement('video') )
video tag that will receive getUserMedia stream as srcObject |
config.flip Number
(default 0 )
Flips the acquired frame clockwise 90 degrees * flip value.
source object for MorphCast SDK
const cameraSource = CY.createSource.fromCamera({
constraints: {
audio: false,
video: true
video: document.createElement('video'),
flip: 0
// etc...
Factory method to get a source, able to grab frames from the specified HTMLVideoElement object.
HTMLVideoElement object
source object for MorphCast SDK
const customSource = CY.createSource.fromVideoElement(document.getElementById("videoId"));
// etc...
Factory method to get a source, able to grab frames from the video media resource specified in the URL. A video element is created and managed internally.
String containing the URL for the video resource
source object for MorphCast SDK
const customSource = CY.createSource.fromVideoUrl("https://localhost/test.mp4");
// etc...
Object returned by the "CY.loader()" method. It is used to configure and load the SDK instance.
.source(CY.getUserMediaCameraFactory().createCamera()) // Optional
.maxInputFrameSize(320) // Optional - Default 320px
.powerSave(1) // Optional - Default 0.4
.autoStopTimeout(3*3600*1000) // Optional - Default 3 hours
.loadErrorHandler((err)=>console.error(err)) // Optional
.runErrorHandler((err)=>console.warn(err)) // Optional
.load() // Mandatory
.then(({ start }) => start());
window.addEventListener(CY.modules().FACE_DETECTOR.eventName, (evt) => {
console.log(CY.modules().FACE_DETECTOR.eventName, evt.detail);
Optional. Default: load all licensed modules
Adds a module that will be loaded
= {}
Module configuration
Sets the power save percentage for frame processing cycles, from 0 (0%) to 1 (100%). The rate of analysis per second will dynamically adapt to available computing resources. A higher power save factor means a lower CPU and GPU usage.
= 0.4
Sets a custom source that will be used to provide the SDK modules with images. If no custom source is specified, the internal source of the SDK will be used by default. The internal source only gets a 640x480 camera stream from the browser (or similar), in order to be compatible with most devices and browsers.
Source of images to process
Name | Description |
source.getFrame Function
getFrame(maxSize) should return the imageData to be processed resized to maxSize if defined. |
source.start Function
start() should start the acquisition process. Eg: call getUserMedia(...) |
source.stop Function
stop() should stop the acquisition process. |
source.stopped boolean
stopped should return true if the camera is currently stopped |
Sets the down-scaling to perform to the input source, before passing frames to the SDK modules.
Normally, the internal source of the SDK gets a 640x480 camera stream from the browser, then frames are reduced to 320px by default. Aspect ratio is preserved.
The value set should be between 320 and 640, since up-scaling cannot be performed.
A higher value can be set only when using a custom source, as long as it does not exceed the size of the input.
= 320
target resolution for the greater dimension, in pixels
Set the duration for the auto-stop timeout feature in milli-seconds. This feature ensures that the SDK automatically stops after the specified duration of continuous usage without any pauses. By default, the timeout is set to 3 hours (10800000 milliseconds).
= 3*3600*1000
The duration in milliseconds for the auto-stop timeout. After this duration, the SDK will be automatically stopped. The default value is 10800000 (3 hours).
Sets an handler for errors occurring while modules are loaded.
= (err)=>console.error(err)
handler the load error handler
Sets an handler for errors occurring while processing frames in modules
= (err)=>console.warn(err)
handler the run error handler
Sets and handler for module.process() rejected because the previous processing has not yet finished.
= (err)=>undefined
handler the busy message
Load all the added modules
To start, stop or unload the SDK, you can invoke the "start", "stop" and "terminate" methods returned by the promise, see the example below.
Promise<{start, stop, terminate}>
let stopSDK, terminateSDK;
.then(({ start, stop, terminate }) => {
stopSDK = stop;
terminateSDK = terminate;
setTimeout(stopSDK, 10000); // SDK will be stopped after 10 seconds after loading
setTimeout(terminateSDK, 20000); // SDK will be unloaded after 20 seconds
Camera that uses GetUserMedia.
Note: it cannot be initialized with
Stops the camera stream.